Ravensoul was created using Unity and C#. Responsible for coding the enemy AI, enemy attack, enemy jumping to other platforms, player attack, pickups that open doors along with the text counter, player soul meter, user interface, and the menus. This was a team effort for a class project.
The game starts out with Death sending his son to retrieve the soul of Life’s deceased daughter. Death’s son must go possess her body to become immortal.
As you make your way through each level, you will be coming up against elves, wolves, plants, stone golems, exploding mushrooms and the final tree boss. Along the way you will need to use your abity to transform into a raven to get through obstacles and possess enemies. When an enemy is possessed, you can use their special abilities, but only for a short time. When possessing an enemy, your health will refill but will then begin to slowly deplete, stop possession to stop health depletion.