(262) 641-9790

Outpatient Program For Addictive Disorders

Pathways Counseling Center provides treatment for:

  • Alcoholism
  • Drug Abuse
  • Cocaine Dependence
  • Gambling
  • Compulsive Spending
  • Compulsive Sexual Behaviors

Flexible Primary Chemical Dependency Treatment and Aftercare

This program is designed for the person who travels frequently, works second or third shift, or has a rotating schedule. Saturday sessions are also available. We tailor-make the program to suit the clients needs.

Pathways emphasizes positive changes in behavior and attitudes and a lifestyle free of alcohol or other mood altering chemicals. Monitored urine screening as well as medically supervised Antabuse is available if the treatment teams deems it appropriate.

Pathways program is medically supervised and requires abstinence from alcohol and/or other mood-altering chemicals. Our program is also appropriate for the intoxicated driver.

Because substance abuse affects family, friends and co-workers, we ask that the client's significant other become involved in the treatment program as well.

Aftercare Services are available to those completing primary care as well as those completing other treatment programs. Aftercare programs are individually designed to meet client and family needs.


Pathways' program for the addictive gambler and spender uses a similar model to the process used in treating chemical dependency. A 12 step approach and family considerations are a part of this program.

Compulsive Sexual Behavior

In sexual compulsions, sex is a priority more important than family, work and values. Sex becomes the source of nurturing and trust-the organizing principle in that individual's life. The individual then sacrifices what he/she cherishes most in order to preserve the unhealthy sexual behavior. Such behavior causes severe stress to both the individual and his/her family.

Compulsive sexual behavior can include compulsive masturbation, sexual acting out, pornography obsession and compulsion, visits to prostitutes, exhibitionism/voyeurism, indecent phone calling, and child molesting or incest. Obviously, some compulsive sexual behavior is illegal. All compulsive sexual behavior is damaging-to the individual and to involved others.